Exodus the human story

Exodus the human story

We are in the midst of that transformational epic Jewish creation myth known as the Exodus. This is the beginning of the discussion of our core identity- a God who has freed us from bondage so that we may serve. There is an inherent tension in this idea of freedom and...

Shabbat Shalom and Happy New Year

This Shabbat we read Parsha Vayechi, closing the Book of Genesis. This coincides with the end of the secular year 2017. The religious and secular realms share something else as well; we immediately move forward into the Book of Exodus and seamlessly, 2018 starts....

And He Lived- Vayechi

And He lived- This Parsha marks the final chapter in Jacob’s life and the Book of Genesis. Jacob takes his final moments to wonder if indeed his life was worth living.  Was the struggle with God was successful.  Will Jacob’s understanding and embrace of the Divine...

To a wonderful 2018

It’s hard to get where you are going if you don’t know where you are And you can’t know where you are if you don’t know where you’ve been. As aphorisms go, mine admittedly needs some work, but I hope you get the gist of it. We are ourselves like links in a...

A Great Miracle Happened

What was it precisely, this miracle that is part of our lore? Was it the triumph of the Jews over the Greeks? Was it finding the single cruse of pure oil? Was it lighting the menorah even though there was only one day’s supply of oil? Was it that the flame burned for...

Chag Urim Sameach- Happy Chanukah

As we begin Chanukah this evening, I wanted to share this new song from the Maccabeats.  The song is a parody based on Ed Sheeran’s Castle on the Hill.  But the lyrics speak to the journey all of us take, the memories and stories created from that journey, our...
Happy Thanksgiving 2017

Happy Thanksgiving 2017

Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving. This is an interesting year indeed. It seems that each day brings new issues testing us in new and often uncomfortable ways. However, this Thursday is Thanksgiving. Let us take time to celebrate our many blessings. For many...
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