by Rabbi David Levin | May 23, 2018 | General, Teaching
In her book I Remember Nothing, the wonderful late Nora Ephron shared the things she will miss as she contemplated toward the end of her life. Nora Ephron invites us to look back and recall the truly special things of our life. Her list also helps us to...
by Rabbi David Levin | Apr 11, 2018 | Blessings, Chesbon HaNefesh
by Rabbi David Levin | Apr 3, 2018 | General, Peer Conversations
My grandpa, Herman Levin, was a special man who left a beautiful legacy. Grandpa was loving and generous. I remember Grandpa as a bit short and husky. His gait was a bit more like a waddle. He wore contact lenses, or thick glasses the result of cataract surgery...
by Rabbi David Levin | Mar 29, 2018 | General, Teaching
As we share Passover at the Seder table this year, notice that it is in the process of change. We are instructed to remember the Exodus experience and to consider as though we experience it ourselves as we participate in the reenactment. But this tradition evolves;...
by Rabbi David Levin | Mar 23, 2018 | Teaching
Conversations for Life and Legacy® focuses on deepening relationships through the transfer of wisdom between generations. That is often a flow from the older to the younger. But often it is the younger generation that has something important to share with the...
by Rabbi David Levin | Mar 7, 2018 | Blessings, Chesbon HaNefesh, Peer Conversations, Teaching
Thank you to Congregation Beth Or for a wonderful Beit Sefer, an evening of learning. I had the honor to present Conversations For Life And Legacy® to talk about how we create our Legacy, not only for our loved ones but for ourselves. We also experienced the power of...
by Rabbi David Levin | Mar 6, 2018 | Blessings, Chesbon HaNefesh, General, Peer Conversations, Teaching
Thank you to the good people at KleinLife Center City for sharing a presentation of Conversations For Life and Legacy® this past Friday. After sharing a Kabbalat Shabbat Service and delicious meal, I had the pleasure of presenting this wonderful take on the deep...
by Rabbi David Levin | Feb 27, 2018 | Blessings, Chesbon HaNefesh, General, Peer Conversations, Teaching
We celebrate life. When someone has a birthday, we wish them Ad Meah v’Esrim! May you live to 120. We hope that you will also live as long as Moses. It’s a great idea, but how many of us know someone, anyone who has actually made it that far? We wish long life, but...
by Rabbi David Levin | Feb 16, 2018 | Blessings, Chesbon HaNefesh, General
This is another Shabbat filled with anger, grief, and tragic loss. Seventeen children and teachers were murdered in their school. I believe that we will be God damned if each of us does not join to protect our children from the ravages of gun violence. I was taught...
by Rabbi David Levin | Jan 31, 2018 | Blessings
One of the most poignant moments in the Torah is found in Genesis 27:38. Jacob has received Isaac’s blessing. Bereft, Isaac’s other son the elder Esau, implores Isaac to find room in his heart for a blessing for him. “And Esau said to his father: ‘Do you have only one...