by Rabbi David Levin | Nov 20, 2019 | Chesbon HaNefesh, General, Teaching
“And the life of Sarah was 100 years and twenty years and seven years, the years of the life of Sarah”. It would be easier to say she died at the age of 127. But we would miss an important message. The text seems to ask us to examine Sarah’s life, not...
by Rabbi David Levin | Nov 15, 2019 | General
I, like so many others, have struggled with Abraham’s responses to God in the stories of Vayera. Why was our Patriarch eager to confront God and bargain to save Sodom and Gomorrah and then be so passively accepting of God’s command to kill Isaac? Abraham responds to...
by Rabbi David Levin | Oct 25, 2019 | General, Teaching
The tragic murder of 11 people one year ago in Pittsburgh is a harsh reminder that hatred is real and we are not always in control of events. Things often happen to us. As painful, hurtful, or even devastating as something can be, how we react is in our control. ...
by Rabbi David Levin | Jul 17, 2019 | General
I am excited to announce that I have joined the Jewish Speakers Bureau. I look forward to the new opportunities to share my teaching through this wonderful connection Reach out at by clicking the above link or the link below:...
by Rabbi David Levin | Apr 25, 2019 | General
I said goodbye to an old friend yesterday. At his funeral, people spoke of a great man, a loving father, a dear friend, a devoted community leader, and a committed Jew. It is precisely because of all these wonderful things that he will be so sorely missed. His was a...
by Rabbi David Levin | Apr 18, 2019 | General
Wishing everyone a meaningful Pesach
by Rabbi David Levin | Oct 28, 2018 | General
We offer our condolences and support to the victims and families of the tragedy at Tree of Life Synagogue. We are one.
by Rabbi David Levin | Sep 7, 2018 | Blessings, General
May 5779 be a year of blessings, health, and meaning
by Rabbi David Levin | Aug 31, 2018 | Blessings, General
As we come to the end of Elul and the arrival of the High Holidays, I wanted to share this beautiful song “Returning Home” by Ishay Ribo. It is a powerful and beautiful message of returning home both metaphorically and literally. Such is the power of...
by Rabbi David Levin | Aug 22, 2018 | Chesbon HaNefesh
I wanted to share an intriguing idea sponsored by Reboot. It is 10Q. No, It is not some financial quarterly. It is a series of 10 Questions, interesting life questions, posed by them and answered by you. The questions are interesting thought questions – good...