Conversations for Life and Legacy® focuses on deepening relationships through the transfer of wisdom between generations. That is often a flow from the older to the younger. But often it is the younger generation that has something important to share with the Elders. Tomorrow’s March For Our Lives is one such important occasion.
In the wake of the Parkland tragedy, the young people have galvanized to demand change to make our country a safer more secure place. Across the country our young people will lead us in marches to raise public awareness and push us to demand better laws and enforcement to reduce the horrific levels of gun violence in the United States.
Our tradition speaks of seeing with “new eyes,” to see what could be rather than be constrained by what is. We are exhorted to open our hearts so that the power of love will strengthen and guide us. Our children, our future is leading us on that path.
Let us join them, to strengthen them and hopefully even to learn from them to help make our world a better place for all of us. This truly can be a legacy we can be proud to leave for our loved ones.
Yasher Koach! to all everyone who heeds the call. Shabbat Shalom.
I share with you Debbie Friedman’s beautiful song T’fillat HaDerech- The Traveler’s Prayer.