by Rabbi David Levin | Mar 7, 2018 | Blessings, Chesbon HaNefesh, Peer Conversations, Teaching
Thank you to Congregation Beth Or for a wonderful Beit Sefer, an evening of learning. I had the honor to present Conversations For Life And Legacy® to talk about how we create our Legacy, not only for our loved ones but for ourselves. We also experienced the power of...
by Rabbi David Levin | Mar 6, 2018 | Blessings, Chesbon HaNefesh, General, Peer Conversations, Teaching
Thank you to the good people at KleinLife Center City for sharing a presentation of Conversations For Life and Legacy® this past Friday. After sharing a Kabbalat Shabbat Service and delicious meal, I had the pleasure of presenting this wonderful take on the deep...
by Rabbi David Levin | Feb 27, 2018 | Blessings, Chesbon HaNefesh, General, Peer Conversations, Teaching
We celebrate life. When someone has a birthday, we wish them Ad Meah v’Esrim! May you live to 120. We hope that you will also live as long as Moses. It’s a great idea, but how many of us know someone, anyone who has actually made it that far? We wish long life, but...
by Rabbi David Levin | Feb 16, 2018 | Blessings, Chesbon HaNefesh, General
This is another Shabbat filled with anger, grief, and tragic loss. Seventeen children and teachers were murdered in their school. I believe that we will be God damned if each of us does not join to protect our children from the ravages of gun violence. I was taught...
by Rabbi David Levin | Jan 31, 2018 | Blessings
One of the most poignant moments in the Torah is found in Genesis 27:38. Jacob has received Isaac’s blessing. Bereft, Isaac’s other son the elder Esau, implores Isaac to find room in his heart for a blessing for him. “And Esau said to his father: ‘Do you have only one...