by Rabbi David Levin | Sep 18, 2017 | Chesbon HaNefesh
Leon Bridges song River has been in my head for most of Elul as I try to prepare myself for the High Holidays. It seems a perfect song for Tashlich. I hope you enjoy it and find it deeply moving too. Wishing everyone a Happy Healthy 5778, may it be a year filled...
by Rabbi David Levin | Sep 8, 2017 | General
As we progress through the month of Elul towards the High Holidays, take a moment to listen to this wonderful duet. Naftali Kalfa and Gad Elbaz sing of return to the Almighty in Teshuva. A beautif… Source: Shabbat Shalom | Jewish Relationships...
by Rabbi David Levin | Sep 5, 2017 | General
When a couple marries, is the ceremony one of Solemnization or Sanctification? This is an important distinction to understand for couples getting married and for those of us doing the officiating. … Source: Solemnize or sanctify? A Wedding Question | Jewish...
by Rabbi David Levin | Aug 30, 2017 | General
Recovery for a storm of this magnitude will take months, if not years. We are working hard to provide resources to affected families, and we encourage you to do the same. Source: 4 Jewish Ways to Help After Hurricane Harvey
by Rabbi David Levin | Aug 21, 2017 | General
Like most things meaning is often something we ascribe rather than something intrinsic. An eclipse is a fact of the physical world based on orbiting bodies and the shadows they cast when sun moon and earth interact. They are knowable and predictable. Our tradition has...